As you may know most of the funding our schools receive comes through Average Daily Attendance (ADA) which is why it is so important that you keep track of your student(s) attendance on a daily basis and turn it in on time at the end of each attendance month.
The State of California has drastically changed the ways schools are funded. Part of each schools funding now includes, family income levels, immigrant information and foster students. Because of this new formula we are asking each family to fill out an income form and return it to school as soon as possible. Please click here to fill out the form. The information on the form will be kept only in the school records and not shared with any outside entity. Only one form needs to be filled out per family even if you have students enrolled in both our schools. You will also receive a copy of this form in the mail in the next few days.
It is vitally important to our schools that we receive this information back from you. We have a very short time line on this. Please fill this out and return no later than Tuesday, November 19th. You may either return the form to Mrs. Wilhite at school or through the mail (we are sending you a stamped return addressed envelope).
If you should have any questions regarding this form, please feel free to call the school and talk with Mr. Cox or Mrs. Wilhite.
Thank you in advance for your help in completing and returning the form.
Michael Cox-Director
Cheryl Wilhite - Secretary
(559) 642-1422