Smarter Balanced Testing
Glacier High School is a public charter school. As such we are required to test our students with all state mandated tests. We encourage all families to participate in testing as it can give good information and practice for your students. We do not force you to "teach to this test". We provide a very low stress and low pressure environment for your child during tests. Smarter Balanced testing is currently for 3rd -8th grade and 11th grade students.
- Smarter Balanced Resources - General information on test from the State.
- Smarter Balanced Practice Test - direct link to the practice test that anyone can take. Login as a guest. **Note** Click here to print the scoring guide. Click on the tab "Scoring Guide" to access each grade level test. The test site does not score your tests or give you any results. It is helpful to have that guide to see what they are looking for. Any other questions please contact your Advising Teacher.
- Practice Sample Items of test questions used on Smarter Balanced assessments.