The latest newsletter is on our website at: or go to it directly by clicking here
Fresno May/June Newsletter is ready for viewing! There are numerous upcoming events that we don't want you to miss out on! We hope you take the time to carefully read this newsletter! A couple highlights in the newsletter is the 2017-2018 School Calendar of holidays, we are hiring additional teachers in Fresno and Oakhurst, updated Glacier Testing schedule, end of the year field trips and celebrations (break out the bathing suit), and much much more.
The latest newsletter is on our website at: or go to it directly by clicking here
Hello Parents and Students of Mountain Home and Glacier High School,
This is an important reminder that Attendance #9 is due on Friday, April 21 by 2pm. To download a blank attendance form, click the appropriate link below:Please make sure to print and sign the bottom line in blue or black ink and mark subjects covered. A child is not considered absent if at least one subject was covered for that day. If you mark absent on the form it is important to write in the reason for the absence (such as sick, ill, doctors appointment, etc) otherwise this absence is considered unexcused. If you have 3 or more unexcused absences in the year your child is considered truant by California Law. Once again this form is very important to turn in on time. Failure to turn the form in on time will result in a non-compliance letter. If you have any questions, problems, or concerns please contact your charter teacher. Thank you, Western Sierra Charter School Staff 41267 Highway 41 777 West Shaw Ave. Oakhurst, CA. 93644 Fresno, CA. 93704 Phone: (559) 642-1422 (559) 248-0471 Fax: (559) 642-1592 (559) 248-0482 This is a reminder that today is the last day to buy Prom tickets. School is open until 4pm today and tickets cost $50. In addition if you are inviting a guest, we need those guest passes turned in today for final approval. On Saturday when students come to the Prom we will have a sign in sheet of our students and approved guests. Any further questions please contact Mrs. Friesen
About UsGlacier High School Charter is a personalized learning charter school providing the best of home school instruction and school based instruction Archives
January 2025