Some important information, updates, and date reminders:
1st – Yearbook Senior pictures, if you have one professionally done, need to be sent to Mrs. Buca or Mrs. Souza by this March 28th. Email them at [email protected] or [email protected]
2nd – Grad Nite at Disneyland remaining money of $55 is due April 7th.
3rd – We have one more seat for Grad Nite, so if you would like to go to Disneyland contact Mr. Hagen at [email protected] and let him know. The total cost is $130 which includes transportation and ticket costs. 1st person to contact me and pay will get the seat.
4th – There are still scholarships and awards available. While many of the local scholarship deadlines have passed I would like to highlight one in particular. The Rotary Award is specifically for Glacier students. The award may be as high as $1000. I would like to see more students apply for this award. It is due March 28th by 2pm. Click here for all the details and click here for the application. To see other awards that may still be available go to our awards section by clicking here.
5th – The information I sent out regarding registering for community college was slightly updated and changed since last week. All the information below is current. Please note some of the testing dates listed. I would print out this email and read it over carefully. Remember it is a good idea to apply to the community college as a backup if your college plans might possibly change. You can always withdraw.
Hello, Mr. Hagen:
Warm greetings. Below I have provided some information regarding Alternative Education Registration To Go at Oakhurst Center. These steps include the online application; activating student email; the online orientation; placement testing; Advising; and Registration.
Application for Admission
The application for admission is free of charge and is a single application for all campuses in SCCCD. The application for admission can be accessed by going to either the Fresno City College or RC/MC/OC website. For instance, go to and click on the tab Apply Now. Once in the application, here are some tips.
Select the term 2014 Summer/Fall
For major, the student can select LIBERAL STUDIES (just for the purpose of the application)
On the page Education, on the first drop down, select First Time Student in College after leaving high school. This true for students who have attended college (HS Enrichment Program), too. Such a student is a new student every semester. This application is for Regular Admission.
Select Received high school diploma from US school.
For the question that begins “I have received a high school diploma or certificate …” select Yes
For High School Attendance, click on the gray tab that says Find School
On the page called Citizenship 1, if the student is undocumented s/he should click Other and check the box No Docs
Completing the application will generate a SCCCD student ID number. This takes two business days and it will be emailed to the email address the students put on their applications. With their ID number, the student is able to do the next two steps.
Activating Email
Student email can be activated from a link on either college’s webpage. For instance, go to
At the top left of the screen where it says REEDLEY COLLEGE, click the tiny link that says STUDENT MAIL. It will take you to the email home page. Logging onto the email the first time is what activates the email account.
The log on is the student’s new college email address. It is: [email protected] (that is, last name underscore) for instance, mine is [email protected] Look at this carefully because it’s easy to forget a period (.) or leave out a “c”
The password just for the first time logging in is: P@ssword123 notice the “P” is capitalized and the “@” is used instead of an “a”
Once the student logs in, s/he will be prompted to choose his/her own password. Once this is completed, the student’s email will be activated.
The Online Orientation
The online orientation can be accessed from either college website. For instance, go to
About mid-way down the screen click on the orange link that says RC Student ORIENTATION.
Click on the gray tab that says ENGLISH.
The student should now be on the Orientation page. Click on the gray tab ENGLISH.
The student logs on to the Orientation by supplying his/her name, ID number, college email address, etc. When s/he clicks CONTINUE it takes about 5 seconds to advance to the next page.
The student will be given three screens of Pre-Test type questions. S/he may not know the answers and clicking on 0% Knowledge is quite normal.
Once the student has done the Pre-Test questions, s/he will watch a series of short videos. There is an audio component so s/he will need to turn on the computer speakers or use ear buds. Watch the videos and take the quizzes.
The Orientation is very long, about an hour and half. But the student doesn’t necessarily need to watch it all in one sitting. S/he can watch for a while and log off and watch again and log off, etc. To log off, click on the red X in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Then, when s/he logs on again, it remembers him/her and takes them right back to where s/he left off.
Completing either college’s orientation fulfills the orientation RTG requirement no matter where the student finally registers for classes. Completion of the Orientation is not a prerequisite to participating in Advising. However, completion of the Orientation is a prerequisite to Registration. The Orientation must be completed by March 31st.
Computerized Placement Testing
Students can come to Oakhurst Center and take the test when it is offered to the general public. When tests are administered at the Oakhurst Center, students are given a test score sheet. They are responsible to bring the score sheet in-hand at Advising. Students must have taken the SCCCD placement test. We will not accept scores from a test administered at any other college. Upcoming, OC’s test schedule is as follows:
Wednesday 3/26 at 10:45
Friday 3/28 at 10:30
Saturday 3/29 at 9:00
Monday 3/31 at 1:30
Wednesday 4/2 at 10:45
Alternative Education Advising
Advising will take place at Oakhurst Center on Friday March 28th between 9:00 am and 2:00. Participating student’s must present a high school transcript (unofficial is ok). If a student took the placement test at Oakhurst Center, s/he must bring their test score sheet in-hand the day of Alternative Education Advising. At Advising, students will receive a WebAdvisor tutorial. As well, they will meet with college counselors and discuss their English/Math level and college majors. Following this discussion, students will receive a list of classes (abbreviated Student Educational Plan [SEP]) from which to pick later for self-service Registration. They will walk out of Advising with that list of classes.
Oakhurst Center Make Up Day
On Saturday March 29th, all students in the OC service area who missed their school’s Advising event can come to OC between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm. Students who have not taken a placement test at that point can take the test at 9:00 am. At Make Up, students will meet with a college counselor and receive an abbreviated SEP and a Webadvisor tutorial.
Self-Service Registration
On April 8th at 12:01 am, SCCCD will “unlock” WebAdvisor for students who have completed all RTG steps to that point. Students will log on to WebAdvisor and with their abbreviated SEP register for classes. Students can come to OC if they need assistance.
Alternative Education Follow Up
Oakhurst Center will host an Alternative Education Follow Up event on April 10th (time to be determined). This is an opportunity for students who had difficulty registering on their own to receive help from college staff. Such help will include releasing prerequisite holds that impede the student from registering for a class(es). Registration is still self-service, however.
Registration Express
As in year’s past, Reg Express will be offered at Oakhurst Center. The week of May 5th (exact day to be determined) students who have completed all the RTG steps will be able to be advised by a counselor and can register that day. Again, the student must arrive with their placement test score sheet in-hand and their high school transcript.
Any other questions contact Mr. Hagen