Western Sierra Charter Schools Board of Directors

2014-2015 WSCS Board Members
Glacier High School Charter since it’s beginning has been dependent upon the Yosemite Unified School District for human resources, business services, etc. In the 2008/2009 school year both Glacier and Mountain Home combined their charter councils to form one board of directors. This board of directors represent a non-profit educational entity called Western Sierra Charter Schools. This new non-profit educational entity allows both schools to operate as independent charter schools and gain more educational flexibility which will in turn increase our service to you.
Current members 2017-18
- Michael Cox - Executive Director and Board President
- Darin Soukup - Community Representative
- Monika Moulin - YUSD Board representative
- Bruce Boe - Glacier High School Teacher
- Marietta Wilkinson - Parent (Glacier High School)
- Laura Dooley - Parent (Mountain Home School and Glacier High School)
- Brian Fulce - Parent (Mountain Home School)
- Dallace Leota - Parent (Mountain Home School)
- Margaret Den Hartog - Mountain Home School Teacher